Gulfood - це головне місце зустрічі представників світової харчової промисловості. Це жвава і багатолюдна виставка, яка вже чверть століття щорічно приймає понад 80 000 відвідувачів у м.Дубай, ОАЕ - головному торговому хабі для експорту на ринки арабських країн.
Нові та дивовижні смаки, революційні інновації або експортні контракти на кілька мільйонів доларів - саме на виставці Gulfood ми стаємо свідками всіх ключових моментів, які рухають вперед індустрію продуктів харчування і напоїв, і бачимо, як втілюються в життя всі мегатенденціі.
An amazing trade show programme is lined up for you!
Gulfood Innovation Summit
Offering plenty of learning opportunities, the innovation summit will be a multi-track conference covering consumer trends, product innovation and industry success cases.
Tastes of the World
Renowned chefs from different continents battle it out on a global level before a panel of the world's most decorated Michelin-starred chefs.
Innovation Awards
Recognising and rewarding the most innovative F&B businesses. Every year, the coveted Awards reel in over 300 entries and a prestigious judging panel comprising of renowned global names.
Start-Up Programme
Back to connect promising F&B startups with investors and business partners from all around the world to forge long-lasting business alliances with mentors, industry leaders, government bodies and clients.
Chef Talks
The 'Chef Talks Stage' is hosted by former BBC Journalist Dave Crane who will lead interviews with chefs, Executive Chefs, authors, and other senior professionals in the food and hospitality sector.
First in Food Workshops
A range of hands-on learning sessions hosted by leading experts and success-makers.
Exhibitor`s area
Visitor`s area
Consult all the information regarding your participation.
Join a global community of food professionals at the biggest food fair in the world.
Ukrainian companies are active participants of Gulfood - every year more than 50 companies present their products at this trade fair. Among the exhibitors are both large corporations and small and medium-sized businesses. Since 2014, in the World Food sector, among the Pavillions of other countries, the Ukrainian Collective Pavillion "Trade with Ukraine" is presented.